Explore and Learn with us: Travel, Adventure, Classic Cars, Life, Health, Recipes, and Tips


This blog is a labor of love: conceived, written, and created 100% by a real live human being! I did NOT use any "AI" (Artificial Intelligence) tools, such as Anthropic's Claude, OpenAI's ChatGPT, rather countless hours of hard work, based on my own experiences and research. It is 100% the intellectual property of its human creator.

May 14, 2020


My name is Inge and I'm the author/owner/webmistress of

Up, out and away: Life, Travel, and Adventure.

I love good food, wine, traveling, laughing, meeting people, exploring new places, nature, flowers, movies… sometimes you may even catch me throwing in a movie line, or variation of one.

For quite some time I have been wanting to write a blog to share our life experiences, some funny and/or inspiring stories to lift people’s lives, share some of life’s hacks to make our lives easier, some travel experiences, recipes, but also on a more serious note: traveling with a disability, information about certain medical and health conditions.  Please check back frequently, as I have not covered all those subjects yet.

Why would I start this now, you may be asking.  Life’s circumstances change, that is for sure.  What my sweet husband of over 20 years and I had planned in the summer of 2019 for 2020 has been completely turned upside down.  Who would have even imagined Covid-19 then? 

You see, back in the summer of 2019 we made the following plans:
  • Spend the winter in California and Mexico
  • Begin the New Year in the Caribbean to witness firsthand the rebuilding efforts post Hurricanes Irma and Maria
  • 2 weeks in Montreal
  • next stop: South of France
  • then…  back home...
We researched, booked, and secured our lodging, rental cars, and flights through the middle of April 2020.   For the rest of the year, we would plan that out as time progressed.

Next, conditions around the world changed dramatically.  The international news coming out of China started to concern us. 

Since then, we have been placed under multiple “stay at home” orders, flights have been canceled or drastically curtailed, international borders have been closed, social distancing, and wearing a facial mask is the order of the day.  Now what?

Time to get busy and start making lemonade.  (After the saying: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.)

So, I invite you to come along for the journey.  We’ll get to know one another, I’ll be sharing past travel tips: such as how to navigate the airport when your travel partner is wheelchair-bound.  Did I tell you, that my husband is in a wheelchair?

**Delicious recipes along the way – did I tell you, we love to eat?  By the way, I made Homemade Buttermilk Pancakes this morning, with Real Canadian Maple Syrup

**Funny things that happened to us while experiencing life in a new city?

**Relationship advice (or non-advice), after all, we’ve been married for over 20 years (to the SAME person, imagine!)

**Child-rearing advice (or non-advice) – we have a grown, successful son…

**Travel tips: museum visits, out-of-the-way places, favorite restaurants along our journey…

**On the serious side, some of our friends have some serious health challenges: childhood diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer – so as I expand my posts, I want to dedicate some space on the blog on these subjects as well. 

You see, these friends have been a tremendous inspiration to me.  Their spirit never ceases to amaze me.

Thank you for coming along for the journey….  Now, go and wash your hands!  Stay prudent, stay safe.


Exotic Bouquet


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Thank you.     


  1. Merci de partager avec nous vos moments de vie si précieux.
    Bon courage à vous et à votre mari.

    1. Christine, Merci pour votre douce note et vos voeux. Tous mes meilleurs vœux à vous et à votre famille.


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